Balasore Alloys Ltd. in Active Cooperation on Cleanliness Awareness Campaign

Balasore Alloys Ltd. has, in line with company's long-standing CSR strategy in "Youth development" category, subsequently introduced an awareness campaign bringing an intense focus on Barajaji, Chirigunja and Birsa Nagar Schools in January 2019. The campaign has involved on site practical activities such as cleaning school premises,   comprehensive debates with proactive involvement from students' side and open quizes on "Swachhta" /"Cleanliness"/. As Dr. Giri from Balasore Alloys Ltd. Medical Center pointed out, cleaning was one of the preventive mechanisms which should be applied as a preventive habit against a number of diseases including Dengue fever.

"Swachhta" was encouraged as an effective behavior by Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi who called upon institutions towards supporting the Swachh Bharat achievement. “We believe that the awareness on ‘’SWACHHATA AMA DAITWA’’ is our joint responsibility. We were thriled to have witnessed many enthusiastic and supportive young people at all three schools we had partnered in their awareness improvement programme for clean environment", Mr. Manoranjan Sahoo commented whilst also crediting the active contribution from the team of "Action for Women  Helpage and Awareness" (AWHAN), company volunteers, school managements and teaching personnel involved in the successful completion of the initiative. Mr. Sahoo announced that the awareness program will be expanded to the villages of Barajaji, Chirugunia and Birsa Nagar by the end of January with cleaning activities and hygienic materials and fruit bearing samples trees distribution arranged by Balasore Alloys Ltd.