Balasore Alloys Ltd. partnered the “Great Step 2018” International Technical Fest for Mining and Geoscience students hosted in Kharagpur, West Bengal by the Technology Mining Engineering Society IIT Kharagpur between 2 and 4 November 2018. The 11 edition of the annual technical festival established in 2008 by the Mining Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur was open to students on all India basis. Flagship events featured various events including Mining and Environment case studies and National Mining Innovation Challenge. The large integrity of online and offline activities provided by the programme also welcomed innovative ideas in a quiz pertaining to mining & related subjects, thematically designated photography contest and attire designing competition. Students were encouraged to share their creative insights towards mining industry improvement. The platform enabled their upgraded knowledge, analytical approach and technical skills.
“BAL readily supports events that sustain and advance the vivid links between academia with society and with business in particular”, Mr. Anil Sureka, MD explained; - “In any industry which is as definitely resources-intensive as ore mining extraction and processing, pragmatic human’s creativity is vital no matter how progressive automation is applied into the manufacturing process. Our company is honored to be partnering a platform which enhances creativity and sound expertise in a competitive environment”, he added.
Balasore Alloys Ltd. partnering the “Great Step 2018” could symbolically be referred to the World Science Day for Peace and Development marked under “Science, a Human Right” 2018 Theme in November, as Mr. Sureka underscored. He acknowledged the merits of the professional team of “Great Step” and Professor Aditya Kumar Patra (President) in welcoming the productive partnership with Balasore Alloys Ltd. IIT – Kgp is supporting BAL in looking beyond the conventional methodology and coming out with innovative working in the Mine for production from both opencast and underground.