An Award in "Safety" Category for the Mines

 Kaliapani Chromite Mines of Balasore Alloys Ltd. received  third prize in mines safety at  Half yearly safety week ceremony hosted by Directory of Directorate General of Mines Safety, Bhubaneswar region. The recognition was extended on 10 August 2018 by the Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of labour and employment, Government of India. The company’s performance was assessed in “emergency preparedness in mines” and “welfare activities for contract workers” categories.

Balasore alloys Ltd. has adopted a fully integrated production cycle by being one of the few industries in the country to own captive Chrome ore mine. Based in Sukinda Valley in Jajpur District of Orissa, the facility secures the Chrome ore requirement of the company.

The company promotes productive ambient aimed at OHS risk minimization. Protection of health of employees and contractors is taken care of through primary prevention of hazards on the production site. Relevant programmes and initiatives are conducted within regulatory requirement in promotion of adequate awareness and attention on the working places. Occupational health related risks are subject to professional assessment.