Balasore Alloys Ltd. Extends Support to Five Students

In addition to the traditional flag hoisting ceremony which can be watched at Balasore Alloys Ltd.’s premises every year on 15 August, our company accepted the honour to have three experts sharing the festive moments with academic staff and students at Sukinda College in Sukinda, Jaipur district. Prof. Krushna Ballava Satpathy (Principal), Prof. Sarat Nayak (Economics), Dr. Deepak Pradhan, Prof- Shivram Nanda, Prof. Jyotirmayee Sahoo  also joined the ceremony hosted by the college. He quoted “Freedom can occur only through Education”. Five students of Sukinda College known for their good results in their areas of education namely Arts, Science and Commerce had been selected to receive a gesture of support by the company in a touching part of the ceremony. Mr. Tarini Prasad Mohanty, GM Opeartion did in his speech refer fighters for national independence as stressing: “Their efforts brought India to a whole new level.” He expressed his hope that young people would discover that independence is a matter of diligence and hard work. “As students, you need to respect the freedom. Involve in constructive work. Always have thirst for knowledge, try to make something new. There is no substitute for diligence, hard work and will power. Enjoy the freedom by reaching new arena of thinking and utilizing it for good. And I hope that you will take your time to discover that independence is a matter of responsibility. Schooling isn’t about ready answers; it navigates us between career and careerism, self-respect and ego, team work and solitude. Our peaks are our choices!”, said he. 

“Our sons and daughters should never be discouraged from pursuing their dream for a better tomorrow when skills and knowledge are rewarded and when one is able to bring them back to society”, Mr. Manoranjan Sahoo, Deputy Manager of Business Excellence commented after the ceremony.

Sustainable interest in higher education as an individual option is cultivated within earlier years, at the primary and secondary school inclusively. Prevention of school dropout as social phenomenon with lasting economic consequences has therefore an important role to play.   Balasore Alloys Ltd. is abiding by CSR policy aimed at school dropout prevention through supporting comfortable and child-friendly environment at school. The company is committed to providing infrastructural improvements and innovations to enhance equal access of pupils at as early stage of their journey to the college as primary and secondary schools are.

It will be reminded that Balasore Alloys Ltd. organized a School level Talent Search Competition among the school students of Refugee Colony School and Nuapadhi Nodal High School in April.